New TAML Chemistry
New TAML® can supercharge other chemicals to oxidize a wide variety of compounds—a better way of cleaning things.
Premier catalytic function
Self-decomposing mechanisms
Most environmentally effective when used with hydrogen peroxide
Mimics the way natural enzymes oxidize pathogens and toxic chemicals
Comprised of elements found in the human body, thus no elemental toxicity
Extra-mile testing for no endocrine disrupting effects
Supercharging Hydrogen Peroxide
TAML®️ chemistry is most environmentally effective when used with hydrogen peroxide, a chemical made up of hydrogen and oxygen that is used by our bodies to oxidize toxic compounds and microorganisms.
What is New TAML®️
TAML is a trademark for Sudoc’s peroxidase mimicking catalysts, which have four (tetra) deprotonated amides in a macrocyclic ligand. Ligands are chemical compounds that attach to metals to affect how they react. In the case of TAML®️, the four amides ligands are linked in a large ring or macrocycle, around an iron atom attached through four deprotonated amide nitrogens. The TAML®️ macrocycles pack a negative charge on the iron. The combination of TAML’s tunable electronic features and resistance to oxidation make uniquely strong and stable oxidation catalysts that rival the reactivity of the most powerful enzymes found in the human body and throughout nature.
What was the Scientific Breakthrough
TAML®️ catalysts have been in existence since the mid-1990s; however, a recent patent-protected, scientific breakthrough has increased the activity of the catalysts by more than 100x, while decoupling the decomposition lifetime of the process from the strength of the reactivity.
What is Oxidation
Oxidation is a process involving a chemical that breaks down another compound through a process similar to combustion. The oxidative process initiated by TAML catalysts occurs in water. Imagine thousands of microscopic fires burning such that the original substrate—what the fires are burning—is converted to its mineral parts. In other words, the original substrate is reduced to its fundamental mineral parts (periodic table elements). This stabilizes and neutralizes what previously was toxic to the human body.
What is Biomimicry
Biomimicry is the emulation of the elemental composition, processes, and mechanisms of action that nature has evolved for the purpose of solving complex human problems. The term derives from ancient Greek with bios denoting life and mīmēsis denoting imitation. Through natural selection, living organisms have evolved well-adapted chemical structures, processes and materials over geological time. It is, therefore, logical to mimic nature for safe answers to complex problems.
Dr. Terry Collins and his teams have followed the principles of biomimicry, carefully studying the way peroxidase enzymes work in the human liver as part of our protective metabolism to destroy the multitude of toxic chemicals and microbes that enter our bodies every day. Peroxidases and related enzymes provide nature’s most potent systems for destroying health-threatening hazardous compounds. TAML®️ catalysts closely mimic these giant enzymes, but are only one hundredth of the size and much more powerful.
Game-Changing Possibilities
New TAML®️ chemistry yields faster, dramatically more active, yet controllable catalytic processes that have game-changing possibilities.